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CRCC's Feature in FORE’s Annual Report: Celebrating a Year of Progress and Expanded Reach

CRCC is proud to be featured in the Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) third annual report! Our hard work and dedication to addressing the opioid use disorder crisis in Black and Hispanic/Latino communities in Chicago and its suburbs is making a difference.

FORE's third annual report highlights the remarkable progress made by FORE's grantees, including the Chicago Recovery Communities Coalition (CRCC), in addressing the OUD crisis nationwide. FORE is dedicated to supporting innovative solutions to these crises, with a strategy centered on fostering connections among people and sectors committed to ending them.

The report showcases how FORE's community-based organization grantees, such as CRCC, have tackled some of the nation's most challenging issues. This includes preventing overdoses among individuals leaving jails and prisons and providing pregnant people with OUD access to evidence-based treatment and essential recovery supports.

Many of these community-based organizations focus on creating access to treatment and recovery supports in underserved areas, including rural communities. They are also reaching populations often overlooked in opioid response efforts, such as immigrants, those involved in the criminal-legal system, and communities of color.

Chicago Recovery Communities Coalition (CRCC): A Beacon of Hope and Recovery

A standout feature of this year’s report is the exceptional work of the Chicago Recovery Communities Coalition (CRCC). CRCC is dedicated to preventing opioid overdose deaths within Black and Hispanic/Latino communities in Chicago and its surrounding suburbs by providing one-on-one recovery supports from peers who understand the unique challenges faced by these residents.

With funding from FORE, CRCC has launched a public awareness campaign featuring Black and Hispanic/Latino residents who share the message that OUD is a chronic condition, and that recovery is attainable with appropriate care and support. This campaign is crucial in breaking down the stigma associated with OUD and encouraging individuals to seek the help they need.

Sustaining Progress and Expanding Reach

To ensure long-term sustainability, CRCC is also investing in technology and leveraging the expertise of fundraising consultants. This strategic approach not only helps maintain the momentum of their current programs but also paves the way for future initiatives that can further expand their reach and impact.

The work of CRCC and other grantees featured in the Annual Report 2023 exemplifies the power of community-based organizations in addressing the opioid crisis. By providing targeted support and raising awareness, these organizations are making significant strides in helping individuals and communities overcome the challenges posed by OUD.

Click on the link for more details and to read the full Annual Report 2023. Share this inspiring story on social media and help us spread the word about the incredible work being done to combat the opioid crisis.

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