Chicago Recovering Communities Coalition (CRCC) is a nonprofit Recovery Community Organization and our mission is to provide evidence-based peer recovery support services to individuals seeking recovery from alcohol, drugs and mental illness. We are a peer-driven and peer- led and a member of Faces & Voices Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO). CRCC serves the Chicago metropolitan area in northeastern Illinois, including Chicago and its surrounding suburbs.

We are excited to invite all Recovery Support Service Providers in Illinois to join the Recovery United Illinois Taskforce. This initiative aims to bolster the capacity of RSS providers across the state, fostering improvements and a more robust and effective Recovery Support Service framework throughout Illinois.
RSS offers life skills and recovery education classes to recovering individuals who have a history of substance use disorder in the state of Illinois that need extra support to sustain their recovery. We also provide individual personalized sessions to help clients and their families remove barriers to recovery. Join Our Weekly Classes Monday - Thursday 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM.
Please join us our Recovery Workforce Network! The goals of this Task Force are to establish and enhance employment-based recovery support services and address and remove barriers that bar individuals in recovery from gainful employment and increase access to workforce activities for the recovery community. Join us: The Council Monthly Meetings held the 4th Friday 10:00am - 12:00pm.
CRCC believes the more you know, the more choices you have. Those choices then become yours to make.

Peer Recovery Support Services Highlights
Throughout the year, 206 individuals benefited from our Peer Recovery Support Services (PRSS), receiving tailored support and guidance pivotal to their recovery journey. These services underscore the essential role of peer support in fostering a supportive community for those in recovery.
Opioid Overdose Prevention & Naloxone Training
CRCC conducted 26 training classes focused on opioid overdose prevention and the proper use of Naloxone, a life-saving medication. A total of 570 individuals received this crucial training. Approximately 600 cartons of Nasal Narcan (around 1,160 devices) were distributed to individuals and organizations.
Narcan Newsstand Initiative
Located at the intersection of Cicero and Madison, CRCC's Narcan Newsstand has become a vital resource in our harm reduction efforts. In 2023, CRCC distributed 205 bags containing Narcan, Fentanyl test strips, facemasks, hand sanitizer, condoms, and other essential harm reduction supplies, along with 205 Nasal Narcan Cartons (410 devices) and 410 Fentanyl Test Strips.
CRCC News:
Stay up to date on the latest recovery-focused news in Chicago!


Sober since 2019
"Hi, my name is Christopher, and I have 4 years in recovery. What helped me overcome my problems was to surround myself with good people. The most helpful advice I can give is when you don't know where you are going, get behind someone who does."

Sober since 2023
"My name is Dana. I am 40 years old and started using hard drugs in 2012. My addiction didn't start to get better until 2023. Today, I can say I have not used for nine months. I feel great, and I get the rights to my kids in March. I feel strong and worthy. All I need to do is take one day at a time."

Chicago Recovery Community Member
“Hi, my name is Alice. I started drinking at a very young age - around 11 or 12 years old. I went to rehab and finished it and gave my life to God. I have relapsed a few times since but here I am and today, I can say I’m in a good place. I have family and friends, and a man that loves me and supports me."

Chicago Recovery Community Member
“I'm in recovery and willing to do everything that's necessary to remain willing to keep moving forward. I take it one day at a time. I'm currently working a great job as an Administrative Assistant and Peer Support Specialist while staying focused on prayer and my recovery.”